Common Table
Common Table Dinners are 5:00-6:15 pm
Common Table Learning Opportunities are 6:30-7:30 pm.
Grief Support Group
Led by Pastor Darwin Ng | Reed Hall, Room 247
The PazNaz Grief Support Group can provide a safe space with support, care, and teaching as you journey through grief.
Jesus and the Powers
Led by Dr. Walker Railey | Reed Hall, 248
This class will use the book Jesus and the Powers by NT Wright and Michael E. Bird. Dr. Walker Railey will guide the class through this volume that addresses Christian witness in light of Christian nationalism and emerging totalitarian regimes throughout the world. The emphasis will not be on how Christians should vote, but rather the values all Christians share regardless of how they vote.
Simply Jesus Book Study
Led by Dr. Brad Strawn | Reed Hall, 249
In this book study, Dr. Strawn will lead the class through Simply Jesus by NT Wright and will help the reader understand who Jesus was and how Christians should relate to him today.
Women’s Wednesday Experience: The Gift, Lessons to Save Your Life
Led by Joan Watkins & Cathy Cota | Gilmore Hall, South
This session will use this book as a practical and inspirational guide to stopping destructive patterns and imprisoning thoughts to find freedom and joy in life.
Oasis (Special Needs and Disabilities)
Led by Gretchen Moss | Reed Hall, Room 246
For teens and adults with special needs, Oasis Bible Study is a night of fun and fellowship! Contact Gretchen Moss at gretchenmoss66@gmail.com.
PazNaz Kids: CARAVAN
Led by Pastor Jasmine Brenneman | The Cave, Lower Sanctuary, 102
CARAVAN begins again August 28. CARAVAN is a scouting-based program for kids age three through fifth grade. The cost is $30 per family for the year to cover the cost of materials.
Student Ministries: Youth Group
Lower Sanctuary, Room 112
Student Ministries meets from 6:30-8:00 pm in Room 112.
The PepperTree Coffeehouse is open during Common Table on Wednesday evenings 6:00-7:30pm.