Common Table

Wednesdays, February 25 – April 16

On Wednesday, March 5, Common Table classes will take a break in lieu of an Ash Wednesday service at 6:30 pm in Lee Chapel.
Common Table Dinner will still be served at 5:30 pm as usual.

Common Table Dinners are 5:00-6:15 pm

Dinner will be served 5:00-6:15 pm. The cost is $5 per person if reserved by noon on Wednesday, and $7 per person if reserved after noon on Wednesday or at the door. Any first-time guest who does not currently attend PazNaz and makes a reservation by noon on Wednesday can enjoy their dinner for free. Reservations can be made in the Welcome Center on Sunday mornings between Worship and Sunday School or by calling the church office during the week at 626.351.9631.

Common Table Learning Opportunities are 6:30-7:30 pm.

Bread for the Wilderness; Wine for the Journey
Led by Dr. Walker Railey | Reed Hall, 248
This is a study of prayer and how practically, biblically, and theologically it keeps us focused on God’s presence in our lives. It keeps us fortified regardless of what we face, and hopeful in spite of destructive energy that confronts us every day.

Disaster Processing Group
Led by Dr. Brad Strawn | Reed Hall, 249
Pastor Brad is offering a process group for all those impacted by the fires including those who have lost homes, have experienced damage, or been evacuated. But impact includes survivor guilt and vicarious trauma. This group will be a place to share and support one another during these difficult times.

Grief Support Group
Led by Pastor Darwin Ng | Reed Hall, 247
The PazNaz Grief Support Group provides a safe space with support, care, and teaching as you journey through grief.

Women’s Wednesday Experience: Six Hours One Friday: Living the Power of the Cross by Max Lucado
Led by Joan Watkins | Gilmore Hall, South
In Six Hours One Friday we will delve deeply into the meaning of Jesus’ last hours on the cross. Through his death, our lives have purpose and meaning. And an empty tomb proclaims that death does not have the final word. The cost of the book is $10.

Oasis (Special Needs and Disabilities)
Led by Gretchen Moss | Reed Hall, 246
For teens and adults with special needs, Oasis Bible Study is a night of fun and fellowship! Contact Gretchen Moss at

PazNaz Kids: CARAVAN
Led by Pastor Jasmine Brenneman | The Cave, Lower Sanctuary, 102
CARAVAN is a scouting-based program for kids age three through fifth grade. The cost is $30 per family for the year to cover the cost of materials.

Student Ministries: Youth Group
Led by Pastor Mateo Meares | Lower Sanctuary, 112

The PepperTree Coffeehouse is open during Common Table on Wednesday evenings 6:00-7:30pm.