
Welcome to PazNaz

We are one church with six worshiping communities. Come and find your place.

English Worshiping Community

Worship at 9:30 am
in the Sanctuary.
& online.

Sunday School at 11:00 am
In various locations.

Korean Worshiping Community Worship at 9:30 am
in Reed Hall, Room Room 249
La Fuente
(Bilingual English/Spanish)

Worship at 10:30 am
in Meguiar Hall
& online.

Cantonese Worshiping Community

Worship at 11:00 am
in Lee Chapel
& online.

Mandarin Worshiping Community

Worship at 11:00 am
in Reed Hall, Room 148

Armenian Christian Outreach of PazNaz

Worship at 5:00 pm
in Lee Chapel
& online.

English Worshiping Community

Worship at 9:30 am
in the Sanctuary.
& online.

Sunday School at 11:00 am
In various locations.

Korean Worshiping Community Worship at 9:30 am
in Reed Hall, Room Room 249
La Fuente
(Bilingual English/Spanish)

Worship at 10:30 am
in Meguiar Hall
& online.

Cantonese Worshiping Community

Worship at 11:00 am
in Lee Chapel
& online.

Mandarin Worshiping Community

Worship at 11:00 am
in Reed Hall, Room 148

Armenian Christian Outreach of PazNaz

Worship at 5:00 pm
in Lee Chapel
& online.

A place for every age

We provide a place for your kids and family to grow in their faith.


Children's Ministries

PazNaz is excited to partner with you to help the children in your life on their journey to know, love and serve Jesus Christ. Our small group format encourages children to build relationships with peers and leaders while learning about God in creative and engaging ways.

Learn More

Student Ministries

Do you want to be connected to people around you? Are you looking for a safe place you can go to be yourself? Do you really want to be somewhere that the people around you understand you and care about you? Come and experience what it means to live in a community of people who are learning to love God and each other! PazNaz Student Ministries is a community set aside to understand their identity in Christ, practice holiness like Christ, and the serve the world alongside Christ, both now and in the future.

Learn More

Which worshipping community are you interested in learning more about?

Armenian Christian Outreach


Sunday Service:
5:00 pm in Lee Chapel

Cantonese Ministries
Sunday Service: 11:00 am in Lee Chapel

English Ministries
Sunday Service: 9:30 am in the Sanctuary

Korean Ministries
Sunday Service: 9:30 am in Reed Hall, Room 249

La Fuente Ministries
Sunday Service: 10:30 am in Meguiar Hall, Room 134

Mandarin Ministries
Sunday Service: 11:00 am in Reed Hall, Room 148

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