Gallery Doxa: Hope, Peace, Joy, Love

For its inaugural art show, Gallery Doxa is inviting submissions of artwork that meditate on one of the four themes of Advent: hope, peace, joy, and love. For two-thousand years, people have used these themes to prepare themselves for Christmas. Artists of all ages and levels of experience are invited to submit pieces of artwork in any medium (subject to the guidelines below) to Gallery Doxa’s Hope, Peace, Joy, Love art show. Through this show, viewers will be invited to think deeply and creatively about different expressions of hope, peace, joy, and love.

Hope, Peace, Joy, Love will be exhibited in two parts. The first exhibition opens on Friday, October 11, 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm and will display all submitted artwork. The second exhibition will be December 1 – 25 and will be comprised of three or more pieces from each of the four categories (hope, peace, joy, and love) that were exhibited in the October show.

For more information, please read the Call for Art. To submit artwork to the exhibition, please visit Paz.Nz/HPJL.

Online submissions are due by Monday, September 2 Finished pieces must be delivered to PazNaz by Wednesday, September 25.