
Sunday's Message

Dr. Brad Strawn
From the Ashes:
Death to Holiness
Mark 10:28 - 34 (CEB)

Eaton Fire Response

PazNaz is working to respond to the the Eaton fire that has deeply impacted our neighborhood. If you need help, here are some of the resources that are available right now:

  • Contact Us – If you need help, please call the church office at 626.351.9631 or via email at PazNaz has received numerous requests for assistance and is determining the best way to respond as more requests come in. But donations of all kinds are already being received and PazNaz leadership will work to connect you with the resources you need.
  • Helping Hands - If you or someone you know needs food assistance, Helping Hands Ministries distributes food through the LA Food Bank on Wednesdays, 9:00 am - noon. Volunteers are already preparing for an increase in families seeking aid. If you need help, please come.
  • Disaster Processing Group - As part of the Common Table classes, Pastor Brad Strawn is leading a group that will help those impacted by the fires process their experience. See inside the worship folder for more details.

If you would like to help those who have been affected by the fires, consider one of these options.

  • Fire Relief Fund - PazNaz has set up an Eaton Fire Relief Fund that will be used to assist those who have been affected by the fire. You may give online at or place your donation in the offering plates. Be sure to mark your donations, “Eaton Fire Relief Fund.”
  • Helping Hands - Volunteers are needed for Helping hands on Tuesdays, Wednesdays. Helping Hands provides food to more than 700 families weekly and that number is expected to increase significantly in light of the fires. For more information, please contact Jim Yang at
  • Donations - The most effective way to give in a crisis situation is to give monetarily. By pooling resources, PazNaz can more easily respond to different needs as they arise. However, PazNaz is currently accepting donations gift cards. No other items are being accepted at this time.

Other avenues of support and ways to help are in the works. Look for more information here and in the weekly email update as these opportunities become available.


For Children

  • Nursery and Preschool care for children birth through 5 years old is located in Arms Hall. Check-in begins at 9:15 am.
  • Children’s Church for children grades kindergarten through sixth grade is located in Lower Sanctuary 102. Check-in begins at 9:15 am.
  • Please ask a greeter if you need directions. Children’s Sunday school will follow at 11:00 am.

For Guests

  • If you complete a Connect Card by clicking this link, we will make a $10 gift in your name to one of three faith-based social service organizations. By sharing your contact information with us, we’ll be able to keep you up to date on what’s happening at PazNaz.

Life at PazNaz

Lenten Books and Gifts
The PepperTree has a curated selection of books, journals, and gift items for adults and children to use as we journey through Lent to Easter. These resources can enhance personal reflection and preparation for the Easter celebration.

Annual Church Elections - March 16 and 23
All members age 15 and older are encouraged to vote in the annual PazNaz elections on Sundays, March 16 and 23, on the patio or in the Sanctuary foyer, 10:30-11:00 am, 12:00-1:00 pm, and 4:30-5:00 pm.

PazNaz will celebrate baptisms on Easter Sunday, April 20, as part of the English worship service. A baptism class for adults will be held on Saturday, April 12, at 9:00 am in the administrative conference room. A baptism class for kids will be held on Sunday, April 13, at 11:00 am in Lower Sanctuary, 106. These classes will present the meaning and theology of baptism in the Church of the Nazarene. You are not required to be baptized if you attend the class. To sign up for a baptism class, please contact Pastor Jasmine Brenneman at or 626.351.2418.

Lost and Found
The PazNaz lost and found is overflowing and it’s time for a clean out. If you think you may have lost something at PazNaz, come look for it at the specially marked table on the patio today.

Fire Relief Fund
PazNaz has set up an Eaton Fire Relief Fund to assist those who have been affected by the fire. You may give online at If you have been impacted in any way by the Eaton Fire and need assistance, please contact the church office at or 626.351.9631.

Common Table

Wednesdays, February 26 - April 16
March 19 menu: chicken enchilada casserole, salad, and dessert

Dinner will be served 5:00-6:15 pm. The cost is $5 per person if reserved by noon on Wednesday, and $7 per person if reserved after noon on Wednesday or at the door. Any first-time guest who does not currently attend PazNaz and makes a reservation by noon on Wednesday can enjoy their dinner for free. Reservations can be made in the Welcome Center on Sunday mornings between Worship and Sunday School or by calling the church office during the week at 626.351.9631.
Common Table Learning Opportunities, 6:30-7:30 pm.

Bread for the Wilderness; Wine for the Journey
Led by Dr. Walker Railey | Reed Hall, 248
This is a study of prayer and how practically, biblically, and theologically it keeps us focused on God’s presence in our lives. It keeps us fortified regardless of what we face, and hopeful in spite of destructive energy that confronts us every day.

Disaster Processing Group
Led by Dr. Brad Strawn | Reed Hall, 249
Pastor Brad will offer a process group for all those impacted by the fires including those who have lost homes, have experienced damage, or been evacuated. But impact includes survivor guilt and vicarious trauma - which is the witnessing of others’ trauma. This group will be a place to share and support one another during these difficult times.

Grief Support Group
Led by Pastor Darwin Ng | Reed Hall, 247
The PazNaz Grief Support Group provides a safe space with support, care, and teaching as you journey through grief.

Women’s Wednesday Experience: Six Hours One Friday: Living the Power of the Cross by Max Lucado
Led by Joan Watkins | Gilmore Hall, South
In Six Hours One Friday we will delve deeply into the meaning of Jesus' last hours on the cross. Through his death, our lives have purpose and meaning. And an empty tomb proclaims that death does not have the final word. The cost of the book is $10.

Oasis (Special Needs and Disabilities)
Led by Gretchen Moss | Reed Hall, 246
For teens and adults with special needs, Oasis Bible Study is a night of fun and fellowship! Contact Gretchen Moss at

PazNaz Kids: CARAVAN
Led by Pastor Jasmine Brenneman | The Cave, Lower Sanctuary, 102
CARAVAN is a scouting-based program for kids age three through fifth grade. The cost is $30 per family for the year to cover the cost of materials.

Student Ministries: Youth Group
Led by Pastor Mateo Meares | Lower Sanctuary, 112

Places to Serve

Please consider serving on one of these teams.

Cart Drivers - Drivers are needed to help people with limited mobility get from the parking lot to the Sanctuary. Please contact Pastor Darwin Ng at for more information.

Church in the Park - Volunteers are needed to help the Church In The Park ministry team with food preparation, distribution, and clean-up. People of all ages are welcome to get involved. To get connected with this ministry please contact Godwin Shen ( or Vanessa Hadikusumah (

Communion Stewards - Please consider joining the team of communion stewards who help prepare the elements for communion on the first Sunday of every month. For more information or to volunteer, contact Melody Bundy at or 626.351.2425.

Handy Help – If you enjoy wielding a paintbrush, drill, or hammer, please consider joining the “Any Day Crew” to help with minor maintenance and repair tasks around the PazNaz campus. Please contact Melody Bundy at or 626.351.2425 to learn how you can put your ingenuity to work for PazNaz.

Helping Hands - Join the helping hands team on Tuesdays and/or Wednesdays. The Tuesday team prepares donations for distribution by the Wednesday team. To sign up or more information, please contact Jim Yang at

Media Team - If you are interested in volunteering as part of the Media Team, please contact Steve Vredenburgh at No experience needed, come as you are.

Welcome Team - A team of people is needed in order to make sure everyone feels welcome on Sunday mornings. Contact Melody Bundy at for more information or to sign up as a volunteer.

This Week at PazNaz

Sunday, March 16
8:30 am Church in the Park—Central Park
8:30 am Korean Worship—Reed Hall, 249
8:30 am Sunday Morning Prayer—Reed Hall, 247
9:30 am English Worship—Sanctuary
9:30 am Cantonese Sunday School—Bride’s Room
9:30 am Mosaic Class—Lower Sanctuary, 115 
9:30 am Children’s Church—Lower Sanctuary, 102
10:00 am Mandarin English Class—Reed Hall, 149B
10:00 am Mandarin Sunday School—Reed Hall, 148
10:30 am La Fuente Worship—Meguiar Hall
11:00 am Cantonese Worship—Lee Chapel
11:00 am Mandarin Worship—Reed Hall, 148
11:00 am Centurions Class—Reed Hall, 246
11:00 am Del Rey Class—Reed Hall, 248
11:00 am Disciples Class—Gilmore Hall, North
11:00 am Faithbuilders Class—Reed Hall, 247
11:00 am Genesis Class—Arms Hall Classroom
11:00 am Journey Class—Reed Hall, 147
11:00 am La Fuente Children’s Active Play—Gym
11:00 am Oasis Class—Lower Sanctuary, 114
11:00 am PazNaz Kids: Sunday School—Lower Sanctuary, various rooms
11:00 am S.A.L.T. Class—Gilmore Hall, South
11:00 am Student Ministries Sunday School—Lower Sanctuary, 112
11:00 am YR Class—Reed Hall, 249
1:00 pm La Fuente Fellowship—Meguiar Hall, 134
1:00 pm Mandarin Gym Time—Gym
5:00 pm ACOP Worship—Lee Chapel 
Monday, March 17
6:00 pm ACOP Basketball­—Gym
6:00 pm ACOP Discipleship Class—Arms Classroom
Tuesday, March 18
8:00 am Helping Hands Food Preparation—The Pit
5:00 pm La Fuente Soccer—Gym
6:30 pm ACOP Women’s Bible Study—Arms Lounge
Wednesday, March 19
8:00 am Helping Hands—The Pit
5:00 pm Common Table Dinner—Gilmore Hall
6:30 pm Bread for the Wilderness—Reed Hall, 248
6:30 pm Disaster Support Group—Reed Hall, 249
6:30 pm Grief Support Group—Reed Hall, 247
6:30 pm Women’s Wednesday Experience—Gilmore Hall, South
6:30 pm PazNaz Kids: CARAVAN—Lower Sanctuary 102
6:30 pm Youth Group—Lower Sanctuary, 112
6:30 pm Oasis—Reed Hall, 246
6:30 pm ACOP Prayer and Bible Study—Arms Hall Classroom
Thursday, March 20
5:00 pm La Fuente Soccer—Gym
6:00 pm ACOP Young Adult Bible Study—Reed Hall, 246
8:00 pm AA—Gilmore Hall, South 
Friday, March 21
7:00 am Early Christians—Reed Hall, Room 247
6:30 pm ACOP Youth Night—Gym
8:00 pm Mandarin Prayer Meeting—Zoom

Simply Prayer

Sam Bowers
Vance Bowers
Armando Castaneda
Colton Cerin
Carl Divens
Cody Divens
Grace Durazo
George Eastis
Lilia Echeverria
Vivian Fithian
Joyce Forsee
Alex Gopala
Jerry Hargrave
Cheryl Howe
Jeff Howe
Anita Lim
Arnitra Harris
John Hansen
Pat Lindgren

Robert Machulla
Ann Miranda
Laura Miranda
Davion Olgtree
Angela Quiroz
Al Rivera
Annie Sakamoto
Doug Sakamoto
Debbie Seminanian-Archer
James Siebels
Helen Spencer
Grace Stock
Jerry Todd
Carol Wagstaff
Becky White
Marti Wilson
Larry Wilson
Jim Yang
Debbi Young

peace in the Middle East, Sudan, Armenia, Ukraine, Haiti, Taiwan

In Memoriam

  • Margie Blum. Her memorial service is on April 5, at 2:00 pm in Lee Chapel with a reception to follow
  • Tony Galindo. Memorial service details to follow.
  • Roger Bowman, our former District Superintendent, passed away at age 93.  His memorial service will be at PazNaz on Saturday, May 31, at 11:00 am in the Sanctuary with a reception to follow.
  • Ele Horne passed away at age 101.
Dinner will be served from 5:00 pm until 6:30 pm. The cost is $4 per person if reserved by noon on Wednesday, and $6 per person if reserved after noon on Wednesday or at the door. Any first-time guest who does not currently attend PazNaz and makes a reservation by noon on Wednesday can enjoy their dinner for free. Reservations can be made on the patio on Sunday mornings between Worship and Sunday School or by calling the church office at 626.351.9631. 

Common Table Learning Opportunities for Session 2

Classes begin COntinue through March 29, 6:15-7:30 pm. Click on a class title to register online.

Peace-Filled Conversations: Learning to Listen and Talk Like Jesus. Led by Pastor Brad Strawn & Rick Jackson, MFT | Reed Hall, Room 249 This class will be an experience in learning how to engage in peace filled, Christ-like conversations around difficult topics. It will be experiential in nature combining embodied practices of learning to settle ourselves, think theologically about Christ's approach to those that he differed with and practices for how to enter into genuine conversations that might change all involved. This is NOT a class on winning arguments, persuasion or being right. This is a class on growing in the image and likeness of the self-emptying sacrificial Christ that we worship.

Women’s Wednesday Experience Twelve More Women of the Bible Study Guide: Life-Changing Stories for Women Led by Joan Watkins & Cathy Cota | Gilmore Hall, South Through twelve sessions, with each focusing on one Biblical woman, this fresh look at the women of the Bible helps women discover new insights and provides a powerful witness to God’s gracious love that will leave you feeling challenged, encouraged, and deeply valued. 

The Paradoxes of Jesus Led by Dr. Walker Railey | Reed Hall, Room 248
This class will focus on Jesus' encounters with others. Through these encounters we will see how Jesus defined the New Covenant then and now.
Men's Ministries: Diving Deeper Led by Marshall Jackman | Reed Hall, Room 246
Proverbs 27:17, As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.
This class focuses on cultivating resilience in your life and in those around you.
Grief Support Group Led by Ginny Pedrotti and Pastor Darwin Ng | Reed Hall, Room 247
Grieving the loss of a loved one, a dream, physical abilities, and financial resources are just a few ways we experience loss. The PazNaz Grief Support Group can provide a safe space with support, care, and teaching as you journey through grief.
PazNaz Kids: CARAVAN Led by Pastor Jasmine Brenneman | The Cave (Lower Sanctuary 102)
Common Table-Oasis Led by Gretchen Moss | Lower Sanctuary, Room 114 Student Ministries: Hangout Led by Melissa Watte | Lower Sanctuary, Room 112 College and Careers: 5:45 - 7:15 pm Led by Debbie Jones Acker | Gilmore Hall